Westmoreland United Church,
An Open & Affirming church of the United Church of Christ.
Sunday worship services are at 10 am,
in-person at the Brick Church or via "zoom".
Next Sunday School is February 23, 2025.
Christmas eve followed by 12 days of Christmas followed by the season of Epiphany...
Photo is from our outdoor 2021 service!
Changing Seasons, Steadfast Love
The prophet Micah of old speaks to us today.
"What does God require of you? Be just, love mercifully, and walk humbly with God."
Poetically powerful words that are inspirational and can be challenging to live into. And as we are open to God's leading and providing and teaching, we grow into this bit by bit and day by day. And if we stumble or turn from God's way, God does not abandon us. God, loving God, "good shepherd" God, welcomes us as we re-turn and seeks us and shelters us under wings of tenderness and care. I imagine a "mother-hen" of sorts for God with infinite to our minds number of wings so as to embrace all of God's children in safety, with healing and compassion for all.
Pastor Lynn
We celebrate:
the many ways God manifests love for us!
And, the wonderful, delicious Valentine Italian supper!
February family craft bags are inside the Brick Church, available for anyone to pick up.
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Save the date:
Books & more sale featuring yarns and crafts,
Saturday, February 22, 9am - 1 pm.
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Community outreach includes:
We receive food donations for Joan's Pantry located in Chesterfield and for Hundred Nights Shelter** in Keene
as ongoing ministries of the church. There are boxes in the Church lobby for them.
**see their current requests at: https://hundrednightsinc.org/help-us/wish-list/
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Community caring with prayer shawls and baby blankets
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For inquiries about use or rental of Fellowship Hall, please call Jo Ann at 603 399-9028.
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9 South Village Common, P. O. Box 214, Westmoreland, New Hampshire 03467 603-399-4880
Email addresses: westmoreland@myfairpoint.net or westmorelandunitedchurchnh@gmail.com
The church's virtual yardsale is on facebook at:
As the United Church of Christ likes to say,
"No matter who you are, no matter where you are in life's journey, ALL are welcome here!"
Covenant of the Westmoreland United Church
We the people of the Westmoreland United Church, have gathered together to worship God and to provide spiritual support for one another in our daily lives. Our common Bond is our belief in God’s love for all and our faith in Jesus Christ. We believe the Bible is just as meaningful today as when it was first written, and we strive to understand and practice its teaching.
Our mission is to help and support the members of our congregation, the people of our community and the people of the world to live meaningful and fulfilling lives. We support those things which promote equality, justice and peace according to the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Our church is a member of the United Church of Christ, working together with them to accomplish those things best done on a broader scale, and using them as a resource as we serve our local community.
We emphasize individual freedom of conscience and respect the beliefs of other people no matter where they are in their faith’s journey. The Westmoreland United Church accepts all people and excludes none. We welcome everyone to join us as we live out our faith.
Westmoreland United Church Open and Affirming Covenant
We declare ourselves to be an open and affirming church that welcomes all God's people. Regardless of religious beliefs, physical or mental abilities, sexual orientation, or gender identity and expression , we welcome you to join us. We invite you to worship with us, to be married in our church, to partake of the Sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion, and to fully share in the life and fellowship of our congregation. We recognize there are differences among us and we believe that we can love alike even though we may not think alike. We proclaim this statement of welcome and affirmation to all including those who have known the pain of exclusion or discrimination in the church and society.
(approved unanimously on June 2, 2019)